The procedure for collecting utility bills has been changed in Uzbekistan

    Social medium 11 November 2024 1182

    The President signed Law No. ZRU-993 dated 07.11.2024 "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at creating amenities for collecting utility bills through the court."

    The amendments make it clear that when applying for the collection of mandatory contributions and payments from the owners of the premises of an apartment building, the application for the issuance of a court order is also attached:

    1) a copy of the decision of the general meeting of the owners of the premises of an apartment building on the choice of a method of managing an apartment building;

    2) a copy of the apartment building management agreement - when managing an apartment building by the apartment building management body on the basis of the agreement;

    3) debt calculation indicating the period in which the debt was formed;

    4) information confirming the delivery of a debt repayment claim to the debtor.

    Also, the management bodies of apartment buildings are exempt from pre-payment of state duty when applying to the courts with claims, applications and complaints about debt collection for mandatory payments for services rendered by them. At the same time, in case of complete or partial refusal to satisfy their claims, the state duty will be charged from them in proportion to the size of the claims that have been refused.

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation and entered into force on 08.11.2024, reports "Norma".