Uzbeks can find out the amount of their pension online

    Social medium 30 October 2024 4539

    The Pension Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan has developed and provided step-by-step instructions for obtaining information about the amount of your pension and benefits without leaving home. The agency has launched a special Telegram bot @pensionyauzbot, which allows you to get the necessary information online.

    How is this done?

    First, the @pensiyauzbot bot is entered in the Telegram messenger and the "Pension amount" command is selected.

    At the next stage, the pensioner selects teams to receive information about the amount of pension for which year and month.

    After that, the bot will automatically provide information about the pensioner's pension amount.

    To use the bot, the pensioner's mobile phone number must be connected to the SMS Pension service

    Pensioners whose phone number is not connected to this service can connect their number using the link below.