Turkish specialists provide direct assistance in the transformation of medicine in Uzbekistan

    Healthcare 28 November 2024 1288

    Currently, a large-scale transformation is taking place in the medicine of Uzbekistan. In this regard, the President of the country has set appropriate tasks for representatives of the healthcare system.

    In particular, one of the main requirements is to bring the quality of medical services provided to the population to the level of world standards. This requires, first of all, an in-depth study of international experience and its effective application in practice.

    Based on this need, according to the relevant decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Health has engaged a group of experts from Turkey.

    Currently, foreign specialists, together with representatives of our country, are conducting studies in medical institutions at all levels. The working groups formed for this purpose travel to the regions on the basis of the approved plan.

    Specialists from Turkey work in seven areas - improving primary health care, introducing a health insurance system and digitalizing the sphere, improving the efficiency of medical services in hospitals, planning medical services, developing the pharmaceutical industry and providing medicines, improving the efficiency of using medical equipment, developing emergency and emergency medical care.

    The number of invited specialists from Turkey is seven people. These are experts with rich international experience and qualifications in the seven above-mentioned fields. Each of them is assigned responsibility for the corresponding direction.

    For example, the head of the group, Hassan Cagil, graduated from Istanbul University in 1986. In 2003-2013, he was directly involved in the transformation of Turkish medicine and led the main directions. As a result, in a short period of time, the medicine of this country, which was in decline in the early 2000s, turned into a developed system.

    In addition, since 2016, this specialist has strengthened his international expertise by continuing consultations on various areas of medicine in the ministries of health of a number of Asian and European countries.

    Currently, Dr. Hassan Chagil is working on the implementation of a health insurance system that will help transform Uzbekistan's healthcare.

    The invited experts also include Mehmet Ugurlu, Talgan Kucyuk, Mukhammet Yernek, Mehmet Ersoy, Hasan Bagji and Mehmut Avji, who have great scientific potential and practical experience in the field of medicine.

    Now they are on the ground, studying in detail the activities of healthcare institutions and providing their recommendations for its further development.

    In the future, the results of these analyses, suggestions and recommendations will be summarized, after which it is planned to develop and implement short-, medium- and long-term "roadmaps" for the phased reform of the healthcare system.

    The press service of the Ministry of Health.