Tashkent and Dagestan discussed the development of trade and economic ties and attracting investments

    Business 27 November 2024 1357

    A meeting was held in the capital's khokimiyat with a delegation of the Republic of Dagestan, headed by First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Khajimurad Israpilov.

    The event was attended by Deputy Governor of Tashkent city for Investment and Foreign Trade Sharaf Rakhmanov, as well as representatives of the Toshkent Invest Company joint stock company.

    During the meeting, the prospects of cooperation between Tashkent and Dagestan, the development of trade and economic ties and the attraction of investments were discussed.

    Representatives of the fish farming, leather and footwear and electronic industries of Dagestan expressed their readiness to establish direct business contacts with Tashkent entrepreneurs, noted the presence of certain issues in this process.

    Sharaf Rakhmonov stressed Tashkent's readiness for active cooperation and offered practical assistance in organizing meetings with local entrepreneurs and regulatory authorities.

    H. Israpilov thanked for the warm welcome and noted that the expansion of trade and economic cooperation will open up new opportunities for cooperation in other areas.