Tasks for the next stage of reforms defined

    Uzbekistan 20 September 2022 6420

    On September 20, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on further accelerating the reforms and ensuring their effectiveness.

    As is known, recent years have been a period of fundamental transformations in the country. Priority problems were solved in many areas.

    Free conversion of foreign currency was established. The tax system has been reformed and the number of taxes has been reduced. Opportunities for entrepreneurship have been expanded. Customs procedures have been simplified. Information technologies are being introduced in all spheres.

    The transition to market mechanisms has been completed in agriculture. The country put an end to forced and child labor.

    New systems of regional development and solution to social issues have also been introduced. Measures are being taken to improve the quality of education and medicine. Reforms are carried out in more than 100 spheres and directions.

    Taking into account the rapidly changing political and economic situation in the world, it is necessary to implement the next stage of reforms to continue stable growth and further improve the living standards of the population. At the meeting, it was noted that the most important thing is that these reforms be carried out in a logical sequence and systematically, without haste.

    To this end, a Strategic Reforms Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established by the decree of the Head of the state on September 9.

    At the meeting, issues of organizing the activities of this Agency were discussed and priority areas of its activities were defined.

    “As a result of the reforms, positive changes should take place so that people would feel them in their lives. To do this, the Agency should become a structure that determines priority reforms, coordinates and ensures their effectiveness”, the President said.

    The main tasks in this direction were outlined at the meeting. Among them is the development of proposals for reforming individual industries and areas, determining the priority and logical sequence of reforms, monitoring the implementation of government programs, identifying systemic problems and taking appropriate measures.

    For example, the analysis shows that the goals set earlier in such areas as agriculture and water management, land relations, reducing the presence of the state in the economy, transport, utilities, and healthcare have not been fully achieved. The Strategic Reforms Agency will critically analyze such problems and identify concrete measures to accelerate the work.

    It is also important to identify the priority sectors of the economy in terms of increasing the number of jobs and the income of the population.

    In this regard, the Head of the state instructed to develop an action plan for reforms that will have a positive effect on all segments of the population. He emphasized that it is necessary to pay attention to those areas that receive the most requests from citizens, indicate what results will be achieved and how this will affect the life of the people.

    The task was set to establish Project teams for reforming and coordinating priority areas, consisting of qualified specialists from ministries and agencies, international experts.